Casino Cup International C-Show - Baden-Wien / Austria 2008

Amurath Mofeedah

Marjan Albidayer (Marajj x Pustynna Droga)
owned by the Marjan Syndicate
Foal Champion

MZ Djamira (Shaklan Ibn Bengali x W.A.Djambala)
bred and owned by Zinniker, MZ Arabians / CH
2nd place 2 year old fillies and Junior Reserve Champion Filly

DA Caruso (Koronec x Riva)
owned by Ursula Schlatter / AT - Classwinner 7 year and older stallions,
Senior Champion Stallion and Highest Points of the show

Arabesque International Festival - Baden-Baden / Germany 2008

Bourhani Montashar

Egyptian Cup

Bourhani Montashar (Simeon Sharav x Sharvarll Montanah)
bred and owned by Hannelore Bourdeaux / GE
2nd place 1-3 year old colts and Junior Reserve Champion Colt

International B-Show - Darfo Boario Therme / Italy 2008

L.A. Nadeshnij (Marajj x Nil Nouza)
owned by Egli-Zurkirchen / CH
2nd place yearling colts

Naphis Ibn Justice (WH Justice x DA Naruschka)
owned by Ursula Schlatter / AT
3rd place yearling colts

BA Ophelia (Om El Extreem x BS Sanadika)
bred and owned by Horn-Herbig / GE
3rd place 3 year old fillies

Davinity FM (Davinci FM x Echo Lee Ja)
owned by Foreman / GB
Top Five 3 year old fillies

LTF Eminence C (G Tamin x Daian Shaklan)
owned by Crick / GB
3rd place 2 year old colts

BA Sandoval (Om el Extreem x BS Sanadika)
bred and owned by Horn-Herbig / GE
Top Five 2 year old colts

Amira Faarisah (Sandstorm JC x Lilla Faarisah)
bred and owned by Blutbacher Family / GE
Top Five 8 year and older mares

International Days of Arabian Horses - Ströhen / Germany 2008

MF Helona

National C-Show

Jason S (Major x Jakaranda T)
owned by Dubravsky Arab / CZ
2nd place yearling colts and Junior Reserve Champion Colt

MF Helona (JD Chalice x Heloisa)
owned by Bourhani Arabians / GE
Classwinner 4-5 year old mares and Senior Champion Mare

MACCHIAVELLI (Kubinec x Madrepora)
bred and owned by Rengers / DE
3rd place yearling colts

Bourhani Montashar (Simeon Sharav x Sharvarll Montanah)
bred and owned by Bourhani Arabians / GE
Top Five yearling colts

Austrian Championships - Wels / Austria 2008

International A-Show

L.A. Nadeshnij (Marajj x Nil Nouza)
owned by Egli-Zurkirchen / CH
2nd place yearling colts

Jason S (Major x Jakaranda T by Kubinec)
bred and owned by Schäfer / GE
2nd place yearling colts

Naphis Ibn Justice (WH Justice x DA Naruschka)
owned by Ursula Schlatter / AT
Top Five yearling colts

LTF Eminence C (G Tamin x Daian Shaklan)
owned by Crick / GB
Top Five 2 year old colts

BA Ophelia (Om El Extreem x BS Sanadika)
bred and owned by Horn-Herbig / GE
3rd place 3 year old fillies

Hamra Alimaar (Ali Valentino x Kaliya)
owned by Robert Laimgruber / AT
2nd place 6-7 year old stallions

Wares (Piruet x Wernera)
owned by Scuderia Groane / IT
3rd place 6-7 year old stallions

Austrian Nationals

Naphis Ibn Justice (WH Justice x DA Naruschka)
owned by Ursula Schlatter / AT - Classwinner yearling colts and
Junior Reserve Champion Colt

AMIR KHAN (Ali Khan x Athinai)
bred and owned by Doris Dobetsberger
Top Five yearling colts

HD Phantastica (TM Aikor x DB Priska)
owned by Wilfinger
3rd place 2-3 year old fillies

Hamra Alimaar (Ali Valentino x Kaliya)
owned by Robert Laimgruber
Top Five 4 year and older stallions

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