Shamaliah (Stival x Al Shareefah) bred and owned by Emaj Arabians Classwinner yearling fillies and highest score of the juniors Congratulations to Family Schläpfer for this outstanding filly and a great show in Bern over all!
N.A. Mykonos (Shaklan Ibn Bengali x Monmoransi) owned by Mirelle and Sandy Isard-Bussard Classwinner senior stallions and best bred Swiss Male Congratulations to his breeder Stephanie Fuhrer and his proud owners!

Sabaah Il Khayr
Khadija (Ajman Moniscione x Khuzama Bint Javier El Jamaal) bred and owned by Emaj Arabians 2nd place foal class
Spirit Asma (Marajj x Altamira J) bred and owned by Mirelle and Sandy Isard-Bussard Classwinner 2 year old fillies
Siraj Al Lail (Lorenz El Yilan x Al Shareefah) bred and owned by Emaj Arabians 2nd place 2 year old fillies
Sabaah Il Khayr (Javier El Jamaal x Scarlett) bred and owned by Emaj Arabians Classwinner 4-7 year old mares

NA Mykonos

Photos: © M.Groger |